Official meteor client in react native

When developing a React Native app with a meteor backend, you may be tempted to make use of the meteor client found on npm. However, that is not the best way!

How not to implement a Meteor backend in React Native

When we search for a package that can integrate a Meteor backend into a React Native project, we are presented with several options, but no official package. These packages all seem to work at first, but once you dive deeper you discover differences from the official client, including bugs. Crucially, none of the packages follow Meteor DDP to spec, or differ from the official implementation. The way quiessence (one of meteor’s internal mechanisms) events fire, and out-of-order steps in the method call pipeline can cause bugs that are usually race conditions. In contrast, the meteor official code is frequently updated, inherently supports the latest features, and is battle tested and is in widespread use.

The solution

When building a Meteor app for deployment, Meteor generates a js bundle. Using this knowledge, we can make use of the official, battle-tested client, and in doing so, make React Native just a little tiny bit less shitty.

import { Random } from 'meteor/random';

Meteor.call('Test', Random.id(), (err, res) => {
	console.log(err, res);

Importing meteor within a React Native project seems like madness!

Table of contents

Prior work

This blog post is based off of the work of Urigo and his meteor-client-bundler and has been made more efficient by better polyfills and more readily modified scripts.

Quick overview of the folder structure

You can see below that there is a meteor-client folder, inside which is a folder for a stub of a meteor project, called app. The file create-bundle.js is the primary script which will run the meteor bundler and copy the output to a place within your react-native project directory. There is also post-bundle.js which is an asset used by create-bundle.js. Inside your utils folder in your project you will be copying in the polyfill.js file which will seamlessly translate web API’s to React Native API’s.

📂 .meteor-client
   📁 app
   📄 create-bundle.js
   📄 post-bundle.js
📂 util
   📂 meteor
      📄 polyfill.js
      📄 meteor-client.js

Setup and build meteor client

Let’s get started! Create a folder to house the bundler and make a blank meteor app inside.

mkdir .meteor-client
cd .meteor-client
meteor create app

The bundler’s purpose is to build the meteor client to a temporary folder and copy the client to a specific directory in your project, in this case utils/meteor/meteor-client.js. It also installs some boilerplate code to the top and bottom of the bundle. Contents of create-bundle.js:

 const execa = require('execa');
 const fs = require('fs');
 const path = require('path');
 const tempDir = '/tmp/meteor-client';
 const cwd = process.cwd();
 const destinationFile = path.resolve(cwd, 'utils/meteor/meteor-client.js');
 execa.sync('meteor', ['build', '--debug', '--directory', tempDir], {cwd: path.resolve(cwd, '.meteor-client/app'), stdio: 'inherit'});
 // Create top of file
 const runtimeConfig = '__meteor_runtime_config__ = Object.assign({meteorEnv: {}}, window.__meteor_runtime_config__);\n\n';
 fs.writeFileSync(destinationFile, runtimeConfig);
 // Copy modules to file
 const buildPath = path.resolve(tempDir, 'bundle/programs/web.browser');
 const program = require(path.resolve(buildPath, 'program.json'));
 program.manifest.filter(pack => {
     return (pack.where === 'client' &&
         pack.type === 'js' &&
         path.dirname(pack.path) === 'packages') ||
         pack.path.indexOf('global-imports') > -1;
 }).forEach(pack => {
     const packFile = path.resolve(buildPath, pack.path);
     const packContent = fs.readFileSync(packFile).toString() + '\n\n';
     fs.appendFileSync(destinationFile, packContent);
 // Append bottom of file
 const postBundleFile = path.resolve(__dirname, 'post-bundle.js');
 const postBundleContent = fs.readFileSync(postBundleFile).toString();
 fs.appendFileSync(destinationFile, postBundleContent);

Contents of post-bundle.js

 // Disable hot-code-push
 if (Package.reload) {
     Package.reload.Reload._onMigrate(function () {
         return [false];

Install the devDependencies:

npm install --dev execa

In your package.json add a new script:

"scripts": {
	"meteor-client-bundle": "node .meteor-client/create-bundle.js"

And run it…

npm run meteor-client-bundle

In your root component, import the polyfill and the meteor client:

import './utils/meteor/polyfills';
import './utils/meteor/meteor-client';

import React from 'react';
import { registerRootComponent } from 'expo';
import App from './containers/App';



This generated bundle is not much use yet, it was intended to be run within a browser environment. So we must polyfill all those browser apis. This polyfill depends on react-native-mmkv-storage.

npm install react-native-mmkv-storage

Contents of /util/meteor/polyfill.js:

// Good stuff that is required to run meteor client
// https://blog.meteor.com/leverage-the-power-of-meteor-with-any-client-side-framework-bfb909141008

import { Dimensions, Linking, Vibration, Alert, AppState } from 'react-native';
import NetInfo from '@react-native-community/netinfo';
import MMKVStorage from 'react-native-mmkv-storage';
import { baseUrl } from '../../constants/baseUrl';

export const polyfillMmkv = new MMKVStorage.Loader().withInstanceID('localStorage').initialize();

global.__meteor_runtime_config__ = {'DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL': baseUrl};

let currentUrl = '';
let readyState = 'complete';

const netInfo = {
	changeListeners: [],
	addEventListener(eventName, callback) {
		if (eventName === 'change') this.changeListeners.push(callback);
	removeEventListener(eventName, callback) {
		if (eventName === 'change') this.changeListeners.splice(this.changeListeners.indexOf(callback), 1);

// Forward react native NetInfo events to polyfill
NetInfo.addEventListener(info => {
	// console.log('update', info);
	Object.assign(netInfo, info);
	netInfo.changeListeners.forEach(callback => callback(info));

// Sync currentUrl with new url
Linking.addEventListener('url', event => {
	if (event.url) currentUrl = event.url;

function parseUrl(url) {
	const urlArr = url.split('#');
	return {
		get href() {
			return urlArr[0];
		set href(url) {
			return Linking.openURL(url);
		get pathname() {
			return this.href;
		get hash() {
			return urlArr[1] ? `#${urlArr[1]}` : "";
		set hash(hash) {
			return Linking.openURL(this.href + '#' + hash);
		replace(url) {
			return Linking.openURL(url);
		toString() {
			return url;

export const localStorage = {
	setItem: (id, val) => {
		polyfillMmkv.setString(id, String(val));
	getItem: id => {
		return polyfillMmkv.getString(id);
	removeItem: id => {
	clear: () => {

Object.defineProperties(window, {
	localStorage: {
		get: () => localStorage,
	sessionStorage: {
		get: () => localStorage,
	document: {
		get() {
			return {
				addEventListener(eventName, callback) {
					if (eventName === 'deviceready' || eventName === 'DOMContentLoaded') {
					} else if (eventName === 'visibilitychange') {
						AppState.addEventListener('change', e => {
							callback({'visibilitychange': e.match(/inactive|background/) ? 'hidden' : 'visible'});
				getElementsByTagName() {
					return {
						item() {
							return {
								appendChild() {
				createElement() {
					return {
						setAttribute() {
						get pathname() {
							return '';
				get hidden() {
					return AppState.currentState.match(/inactive|background/);
				get visibilityState() {
					return this.hidden ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
	self: {
		configurable: true,
		value: global,
	addEventListener: {
		configurable: true,
		value(eventName, callback) {
			switch (eventName) {
				case 'load':
				case 'online':
				case 'hashchange':
					let oldHash = location.hash;
					Linking.addEventListener('url', event => {
						const {hash} = parseUrl(event.url);
						if (hash !== oldHash) callback(event);
						oldHash = hash;
	attachEvent: {
		configurable: true,
		value(eventNameWithOn, callback) {
			const eventName = eventNameWithOn.replace('on', '');
			return this.addEventListener(eventName, callback);
	onload: {
		set(callback) {
			return this.addEventListener('load', callback);
	onhashchange: {
		set(callback) {
			return this.addEventListener('hashchange', callback);
	outerWidth: {
		configurable: true,
		get() {
			return Dimensions.get('window').width;
	outerHeight: {
		configurable: true,
		get() {
			return Dimensions.get('window').height;
	alert: {
		get() {
			return Alert.alert.bind(Alert);

const geolocation = navigator.geolocation;

Object.defineProperty(window, 'navigator', {
	get() {
		return {
			get onLine() {
				return !!netInfo.type;
			get vibrate() {
				return Vibration.vibrate.bind(Vibration);
			get geolocation() {
				return geolocation;
			get connection() {
				return netInfo;

Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', {
	configurable: true,
	get() {
		return parseUrl(currentUrl);
	set(url) {
		return Linking.openURL(url);

let newWindowMock = {closed: false};

Object.defineProperty(window, 'open', {
	configurable: true,
	value: url => {
		newWindowMock.closed = false;
		return newWindowMock;

Get imports to work

At this point you can access the meteor packages but unless you are a maniac, this is really unsatisfying.

What works as of now… How we would rather have it work…
const {check} = Package['check']; import { check } from 'meteor/check';

To be able to import meteor packages, you can implement an adapter in babel. Using AST explorer I developed a “import from meteor package” transpiler. By including the transpiler in babel.config.js babel (which is built in) will immediately make the new syntax work.

const adaptMeteor = (babel) => {
	const {types: t} = babel;
	return {
		visitor: {
			ImportDeclaration(path) {
				const modulePath = path.node.source.value;
				if (!modulePath.startsWith('meteor/')) return;
				const moduleName = modulePath.slice(7);
				const newNode = t.variableDeclaration('const', [
						t.objectPattern(path.node.specifiers.map(r => {
							return t.objectProperty(t.identifier(r.imported.name), t.identifier(r.local.name), false, true);

module.exports = function(api) {
	return {
		presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],
		plugins: [adaptMeteor],


Here’s a useTracker function you can drop into your project!

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Tracker } from 'meteor/tracker';
import { useReducer, useEffect, useRef, useMemo } from 'react';

// Used to create a forceUpdate from useReducer. Forces update by
// incrementing a number whenever the dispatch method is invoked.
const fur = (x) => x + 1;
const useForceUpdate = () => useReducer(fur, 0)[1];
const useTrackerNoDeps = (reactiveFn, skipUpdate = null) => {
	const {current: refs} = useRef({
		isMounted: false,
		trackerData: null,
	const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
	// Without deps, always dispose and recreate the computation with every render.
	if (refs.computation) {
		// @ts-ignore This makes TS think ref.computation is "never" set
		delete refs.computation;
	// Use Tracker.nonreactive in case we are inside a Tracker Computation.
	// This can happen if someone calls `ReactDOM.render` inside a Computation.
	// In that case, we want to opt out of the normal behavior of nested
	// Computations, where if the outer one is invalidated or stopped,
	// it stops the inner one.
	Tracker.nonreactive(() => Tracker.autorun((c) => {
		refs.computation = c;
		const data = reactiveFn(c);
		if (c.firstRun) {
			// Always run the reactiveFn on firstRun
			refs.trackerData = data;
		} else if (!skipUpdate || !skipUpdate(refs.trackerData, data)) {
			// For any reactive change, forceUpdate and let the next render rebuild the computation.
	// To clean up side effects in render, stop the computation immediately
	if (!refs.isMounted) {
		Meteor.defer(() => {
			if (!refs.isMounted && refs.computation) {
				delete refs.computation;
	useEffect(() => {
		// Let subsequent renders know we are mounted (render is committed).
		refs.isMounted = true;
		// In some cases, the useEffect hook will run before Meteor.defer, such as
		// when React.lazy is used. In those cases, we might as well leave the
		// computation alone!
		if (!refs.computation) {
			// Render is committed, but we no longer have a computation. Invoke
			// forceUpdate and let the next render recreate the computation.
			if (!skipUpdate) {
			} else {
				Tracker.nonreactive(() => Tracker.autorun((c) => {
					const data = reactiveFn(c);
					refs.computation = c;
					if (!skipUpdate(refs.trackerData, data)) {
						// For any reactive change, forceUpdate and let the next render rebuild the computation.
		// stop the computation on unmount
		return () => {
			var _a;
			(_a = refs.computation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stop();
			delete refs.computation;
			refs.isMounted = false;
	}, []);
	return refs.trackerData;
const useTrackerWithDeps = (reactiveFn, deps, skipUpdate = null) => {
	const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
	const {current: refs} = useRef({reactiveFn});
	// keep reactiveFn ref fresh
	refs.reactiveFn = reactiveFn;
	useMemo(() => {
		// To jive with the lifecycle interplay between Tracker/Subscribe, run the
		// reactive function in a computation, then stop it, to force flush cycle.
		const comp = Tracker.nonreactive(() => Tracker.autorun((c) => {
			const data = refs.reactiveFn();
			if (c.firstRun) {
				refs.data = data;
			} else if (!skipUpdate || !skipUpdate(refs.data, data)) {
				refs.data = data;
		// In some cases, the useEffect hook will run before Meteor.defer, such as
		// when React.lazy is used. This will allow it to be stopped earlier in
		// useEffect if needed.
		refs.comp = comp;
		// To avoid creating side effects in render, stop the computation immediately
		Meteor.defer(() => {
			if (!refs.isMounted && refs.comp) {
				delete refs.comp;
	}, deps);
	useEffect(() => {
		// Let subsequent renders know we are mounted (render is committed).
		refs.isMounted = true;
		if (!refs.comp) {
			refs.comp = Tracker.nonreactive(() => Tracker.autorun((c) => {
				const data = refs.reactiveFn(c);
				if (!skipUpdate || !skipUpdate(refs.data, data)) {
					refs.data = data;
		return () => {
			delete refs.comp;
			refs.isMounted = false;
	}, deps);
	return refs.data;

export function useTracker(reactiveFn, deps = null, skipUpdate = null) {
	if (deps === null || deps === undefined || !Array.isArray(deps)) {
		if (typeof deps === 'function') {
			skipUpdate = deps;
		return useTrackerNoDeps(reactiveFn, skipUpdate);
	} else {
		return useTrackerWithDeps(reactiveFn, deps, skipUpdate);

Meteor updates

Meteor updates are a simple matter of accepting the update and re-running the bundler:

cd .meteor-client/app
meteor update
cd ../../
npm run meteor-client-bundle